SolarPea thinks inversion is beautiful.
For a 01-sequence $Z$ with length $n$ and a constant $c$, SolarPea defines the rating of $Z$ is:
PolarSea has two integer sequences $X$ and $Y$ with length $k (\forall_{1\leq i\leq k}, 1\leq X_i \leq n, 0\leq Y_i\leq 1)$. PolarSea likes a 01-sequence $Z$ with length $n$ if and only if $\forall_{1\leq i\leq k}, Z_{X_i}=Y_i$.
SolarPea wrote all 01-sequences which have length $n$ and contain $m$ '1's on the paper. PolarSea saw it and crossed out all sequences that he doesn't like. Now you're given $c$, please calculate the sum of the rating s of the remaining sequences on the paper.
Since the answer could be very large, you should output it modulo $1065977431$ (a prime number).
It is guaranteed that $c$ is generated randomly.